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· 45 minutes

Cypher Workbench: Development Tool Suite for Cypher

Tuesday, October 20, 2020 · 3:45 p.m. · Eastern Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

The path from inception to deployment of your Neo4j solution involves many steps: documenting key questions, modeling your data, importing data, building queries, and verifying the data works for your needs. Additionally, running systems have a different set of needs: understanding query execution, troubleshooting, and analyzing the health of your database. Cypher Workbench is a collection of visual tools that can assist in the development of new Neo4j solutions as well as help maintain existing deployments. This talk will showcase several tools within Cypher Workbench that may help you with your Neo4j solution.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Neo4j Event webinar platform hosts Cypher Workbench: Development Tool Suite for Cypher
Neo4J Event's webinars
Attended (156)