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Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Science Policy Analyst, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Jacqueline Robinson-Hamm, Ph.D., is a science policy analyst at the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology where her work portfolio focuses on training and career opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in the biomedical and biological sciences.
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Science Policy and Deputy Director, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology
Yvette Seger, Ph.D., is the deputy director of the Office of Public Affairs and director of science policy for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), a coalition of 29 scientific societies collectively representing over 130,000 individual biological and biomedical researchers. In these roles, she contributes to the overall strategic vision for the Office of Public Affairs, specifically guiding the efforts of FASEB’s science policy committee and the work of its topical working groups. Seger launched her policy career at the National Academies as a Christine Mirzayan science & technology policy fellow where she worked on a report examining processes for identifying and appointing scientists to key federal advisory positions. After leaving the Academies, Seger held senior policy positions at the research advocacy group FasterCures, the National Institutes of Health, and Thomson Reuters before joining FASEB in 2013. Seger holds a doctoral degree in genetics from Stony Brook University, and received a Bachelor of Arts in zoology (genetics concentration) and politics & government from Ohio Wesleyan University.
Hosted By
National Postdoctoral Association webinar platform hosts Soft Money in Salary Support
National Postdoctoral Association's webinars