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About This Webinar

Objectives: The objectives of this seminar are to 1) examine postdocs’ perceptions of their mental health; and 2) investigate what factors facilitate or hinder healthier mental health outcomes among postdocs. Methods: Data were derived from postdocSERU, a survey designed to examine the experiences of postdocs. The sample included 314 postdocs from the University of Minnesota (response rate 46 percent). Key outcome variables included perceptions of depression and anxiety symptoms in the past two weeks. Independent variables included postdocs’ perceptions of their departmental climate, campus climate for diversity, sense of belonging, faculty mentorship, workload stress, and financial stress, and demographic variables. Results were analyzed using binary logistic regression analysis. Results: Hispanic and Asian postdocs had greater odds of clinically significant major depressive disorder symptoms (eβ = 5.27, p < .05 and eβ = 4.53, p < .01, respectively) over their peers. Furthermore, postdocs’ sense of belonging reduced their odds of clinically significant major depressive disorder symptoms (eβ = .55, p < .01) while their workload stress was associated with increases in the odds of clinically significant major depressive disorder symptoms (eβ = 2.22, p < .001). Postdocs’ workload stress and financial stress were positively associated with increases in the odds of clinically significant generalized anxiety disorder symptoms (eβ = 1.51, p < .01 and eβ = 1.76, p < .01, respectively). Conclusion: The mental health of postdocs should be of concern to faculty and university leadership as poorer mental health outcomes were associated with workload and financial stress, which are preventable.

Language: English
Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Assistant Dean, University of Minnesota
Rhonda Jones-Webb, Ph.D., is assistant dean for the Graduate School, Office of Postdoctoral Initiatives (OPI) at the University of Minnesota. The mission of OPI is to improve the culture and climate surrounding postdoctoral education at the university via policy change and advocacy. To achieve its mission, OPI focuses on community building and enhancing the professional and career development, leadership, and advising opportunities of postdocs. Jones-Webb is also a professor in the School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health and serves on the faculty steering committee of a NIH T32 pre and postdoctoral training program on cancer-related disparities.
Webinar hosting presenter
Analyst, University of Minnesota
Daniel White-Jones, Ph.D., is an analyst with the Office of Institutional Research at the University of Minnesota. He also serves as director of the SERU (Student Experience in Research University) North America consortium and managing director of gradSERU. He has published widely on articles on higher education.
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Student Affairs Assessment
Hosted By
National Postdoctoral Association webinar platform hosts Depression and Anxiety Among Postdocs: Why Should We Be Concerned?
National Postdoctoral Association's webinars