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What Mindful College Admissions Looks Like

About This Webinar

What do you wish you knew when you were applying to college? What skills do you wish you’d learned before you left high school?
Personal management?
Better decision making?
Work/Life balance?
Self advocacy?
Perhaps you wish you’d learned how to have a little faith in the unknown?

All of this we could be teaching teens through the college-admissions journey; this whole adventure could be massively transformative in these formidable years, but instead, we’re missing the boat.
Join this thoughtful discussion and consider how we can save the college journey from the chaos we see today and turn it into an experience that leaves students learning more from the journey than the destination.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Lucie S
Senior Associate Director, Career Advancement
Lucie moderates the webinar program and manages in-person career programs.
Webinar hosting presenter
Education Consultant and College Counselor
Alex Ellison is an education consultant and college counselor who works with schools, organizations, and individual families around the country to elevate and clarify college search and application methods. She is the author of Go Your Own Way: 7 Student-Centered Paths to the Best College Experience, in which she highlights stories from students who forged less common - and less grueling - paths to college. She has spoken from the SXSW stage in Austin, TX to the TEDx stage in Reno, NV to the Kuala Lumpur International Youth Discourse in Malaysia, speaking on topics ranging from jobs of the future to the value of the liberal arts. Alex graduated from WCAS in 2010 and lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and daughter.

Hosted By
NAA Career Webinar Series webinar platform hosts What Mindful College Admissions Looks Like
The Northwestern Alumni Association believes in life-long career
development to help you maintain your professional edge.
Attended (32)