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Music Club launch 2016

Wednesday, August 24, 2016 · 5:30 p.m. · Pacific Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

The Music Club is a place to learn & share music, from the most basic play-by-ear at the campfire through to full music videos and documentaries. It will run initially on a 4-week cycle each Thursday evening so anyone who joins late or gets behind can just jump on the merry-go-round and ride through into the next cycle.

Session 1 starts with my 'world's easiest music learning system' which uses one-finger (or even zero-finger!) chords to get you playing instantly on guitar or ukulele. Nothing to buy - no gadgets or gimmicks.

Session 2 follows the advice of Elvis and many others that 'all you need is 3 chords' to play many songs and we progress through to today's all-purpose 4-chord sequence that fits all your favorite contemporary songs. By this stage you could be playing by ear at the next party.

Session 3 takes that same 3 chords into the world of rock music with the famous 12-bar blues. Ever wondered how those jazz and rock musicians could go up on stage with players they'd never met and instantly jam? The patterns you learn in this series will allow you to do that. As Henry Ford said 'I'll play any key you like as long as it's C". By this stage you could be running jam sessions.

Session 4 introduces the world of multimedia. You'll see how freeware, cheapware and apps probably already on your computer allow you to make music videos and documentaries. I run more comprehensive courses on OpenLearning but BigMarker is where we can share and demonstrate. By this stage you could be making music videos and documentaries.

Hopefully those who complete a few cycles will want to stay on board the merry-go-round and share their tunes and videos. Any non-profit group willing to join will have access to free resources.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: 843d8e24cd96
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Tom Benjamin
Dr Tom Benjamin: psychologist in Australia researching games/virtual worlds and new media applications.

Margaret Penhall-Jones is a trained Counsellor and author.
Hosted By
Music Club webinar platform hosts Music Club launch 2016
'Ever wanted to star on your own MTV network? Need a soundtrack for your educational game? Want the world to hear your community group's message? Want a musical logo for your business?

These are just a few reasons to learn how to make a music video. The techniques can be applied to all manner of commercial and hobby presentations. Learn secrets of multi-tracking, access thousands of free resources. It's all here at Music Club. Between BigMarker conferences there are plenty of online web resources for you. We start at the most basic level, assuming you can neither sing, play guitar, nor record or produce. We progress through these stages up to making full music video productions that you can put on the web or use in your business, school or community group.
Attended (3)