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Assistance Dogs – Their role in Occupational Therapy

About This Webinar

Assistance (or Service) Dogs are trained to help people with disabilities. We will talk about what an assistance dog is and is not, as well as how they are trained to help people. We will also talk about the less obvious benefits having an assistance dog gives someone living with a disability, and provide a video of a working assistance dog. Research evidence of the benefits of assistance dogs and related information for OT service will be included. (for example, how to work with a client who has an assistance dog, what daily occupational tasks does the dog mitigate, how to advocate for an assistance dog). Finally, we'll go over proper etiquette when working with a client who has an assistance dog.

  • 5:15-5:30:  Check in/tech troubleshooting
  • 5:30-6:30: Presentation, Questions and Discussion
Who can view: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Laurie Carlson, Community Outreach Coordinator, has worked at Can Do Canines for 21 years and speaks to groups on the subject of service dogs. Laurie has attended disability awareness seminars, spoken to support groups continuously during their employment at Can Do Canines, in addition to attending numerous dog behavior seminars and Assistance Dogs International (ADI) conferences.
Webinar hosting presenter
Denise Yokom MS/RCES, Client Services Manager, has been with Can Do Canines since June of 2019 after a 20+ year career in health care as a Cardiac Rehab Therapist. At Can Do Canines, Denise interviews potential clients and determine their needs with an assistance dog which includes clarifying reasonable expectations on skills the dog can do. Denise works with current clients and their dogs to help them realize their potential as a working team, and communicate with our clients on training, health and behavior questions.
Attended (43)