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"How Open Source Became My Full-Time Job" with Álvaro Trigo

About This Webinar

Our guest speaker for this week is Álvaro Trigo López, a web developer, and designer who aims to combine the beauty of design with the logical perfection of coding.

Alvaro started getting passionate about web developing at the age of 16 when he created his first website. Since then he kept learning day by day on his own until today.

Alvaro created Fullpage.js as a side project. It is currently the most popular, used and complete library of its kind in Github. Full.js is a jQuery and Javascript open source library to create full-screen scrolling websites. It is used and trusted by companies such as Google, McDonald's, EA, Vodafone and British Airway.

During this Lunch & Learn, Alvaro will share his professional journey and his experience in the open source world. More importantly, he will talk about how open source became his full time-time job and a primary source of income.

Interested in open source? Join us and ask Alvaro anything!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: b1e8e3eb14e5
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Alvaro Trigo
Web Developer
Photography Enthusiast, a Web developer with love for beautiful stuff
Hosted By
Microverse webinar platform hosts "How Open Source Became My Full-Time Job" with Álvaro Trigo
Microverse is a global school for remote software developers where students learn through remote pair programming and don't pay anything until they get a job.
Attended (17)