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"From Financial Advisor to Coder: My Microverse Journey" w/ Kyle Lemon

About This Webinar

Our guest speaker for this week is Kyle Lemon. He works remotely as a Ruby on Rails developer at Better and completed Microverse’s full-time program in September 2018.

Before discovering his passion for writing code, Kyle worked in the business world. Since then, he has learned Ruby, Rails, and Javascript and became a full-stack web developer through Microverse’s program.

During this Lunch & Learn, he will talk about his experience with Microverse and getting work as a Rails developer!

Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! Join us and ask Kyle anything!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: c8ef2011b1ed
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Kyle Lemon
Remote Ruby on Rails Developer at Better
Ruby on Rails developer. Husband and father. Sword collector. Board game lover. Aspiring electric car driver.
Hosted By
Microverse webinar platform hosts "From Financial Advisor to Coder: My Microverse Journey" w/ Kyle Lemon
Microverse is a global school for remote software developers where students learn through remote pair programming and don't pay anything until they get a job.
Attended (142)