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About This Webinar

Komptech Americas is a leading North American supplier of machinery and systems for the treatment and processing of solid and organics waste for recycling. Our product range includes over 30 different types of machines that cover all key processes in modern waste handling, including shredding, separating, screening and compost turning. We focus on delivering customer value in everything we do and strive to be the waste industry's technological leader through continual innovation.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Stationary Sales Manager
Will Hancock has been in the recycling industry for 12 years, starting out on the aggregate recycling side then quickly moving into organics and landfill reduction, he now oversees the Stationary Sales of Komptech Equipment, Zenrobotics intelligent sorting equipment, Plexus Air Magnets, and Waste Treatment Technologies Dry AD systems.
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CRRA webinar platform hosts Komptech Americas – Technology For a Better Environment
Metro AV Channel for CRRA