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About This Webinar

Keep California Beautiful is a non-profit organization dedicated to alternative waste management, beautification, community networking and outreach.

KCB additionally functions as an umbrella organization that initiates and networks local affiliates in communities across California.

KCB Mission:
Working to ignite individuals, state and local government, community, and corporate responsibility through strategic initiatives and volunteer action to preserve and protect California’s beautiful resources for generations to come.

KCB annually provides resources and support to more than 200 California communities, focusing on cleanup, beautification and enhancement projects. Every Spring the Great American CleanupTM (GAC) is held. Additionally, since the inception of the organization in 1991, KCB and its partner programs have sponsored over 14,372 events involving over 855,958 volunteers, and have collected over 26,238,000 pounds of litter and trash from California’s highways, public lands, waterways and beaches.
During the 2012 Keep America Beautiful Great American CleanupTM our Keep California Beautiful and local affiliates organized over 1,967 events and contributed over 163,726 volunteer hours; removing over 2,116,536 pounds of litter and debris from California’s environment along 1,953 miles of streets and trails and roads.
Keep California Beautiful’s efforts to organize and network caring individuals and organizations provides an outlet for cleanup and beautification.

Language: English
Who can attend? Everyone
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Keep California Beautiful
Cecile Carson has 30 years of experience in community project management. Cecile established Keep Denton Beautiful, Texas, and assisted with the formation of over 100 Keep America Beautiful (KAB) affiliates. As KAB Vice President, she created the National Youth Advisory Council, directed litter and blight research, and affiliate recycling programming. Cecile has nearly 20 years of municipal government experience, including economic development and code enforcement, and established one of the first plastic drop-off recycling programs in Texas. Cecile earned the President’s Lifetime Volunteer Service Award for volunteering with a variety of community, neighborhood, environmental and education organizations and currently serves as the North Central Texas Council of Governments - Resource Conservation Commission Vice-Chair, a leader of the CRRA K-12 Technical Committee, and member of KCB Executive Team. Cecile is a doctorate candidate at Baylor University, focusing on Learning and Organizational Change.
Hosted By
CRRA webinar platform hosts Keep CA Beautiful
Metro AV Channel for CRRA