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Instituting Zero Waste in Large Commercial Operations: Pre-COVID and Beyond

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Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Principal, Envirolutions LLC
Laura McKaughan is a consultant with over 12 years experience in planning and implementing recycling and zero waste projects. She has extensive experience working on projects throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and her work includes providing outreach and education, conducting surveys, performing waste audits, and providing technical assistance to property managers in the commercial and multifamily sectors to assist with local and statewide compliance.

Laura founded Envirolutions in 2014. Envirolutions specializes in designing and implementing zero waste, recycling and sustainability projects, assisting restaurants, hotels, multi-tenant commercial complexes and multifamily dwellings in implementing effective waste diversion programs.

Designing a Zero Waste Playbook for Large-scale Tech
Envirolutions was engaged in the fall of 2019 by one of the largest tech companies in San Francisco to design and implement Zero Waste at 3 of their largest buildings. The program included innovative approaches to disseminate information via internal screens and social media posts as well as conducting surveys, floor-level and loading dock waste audits, and evaluating waste signage among other deliverables. Many aspects of the project were put on hold due to the shelter-in-place orders but the team reconvened and the project moved forward in new and innovative ways. Hear about how the client will be using a 'playbook,' to ensure that recycling and Zero Waste stay front of mind for all their employees, both in San Francisco and beyond.
Webinar hosting presenter
Manager, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility, Kilroy Realty
Vaishali Sampat joined the team on November 2018 as Manager of Sustainability and CorporateÊSocial Responsibility (CSR). Prior to her transition, she was Property Manager of the West LA/Santa Monica Portfolio.

At Kilroy, Vaishali is responsible for overseeing LEED certifications for development projects, assisting with Fitwell benchmarking and certifications, supply chain analysis, assisting with internal and external reporting and supporting the director and SVP in various sustainability and CSR initiatives. She is LEED AP: EBOM accredited and a Fitwell Ambassador. She currently serves as chairperson of the BOMA GLA Sustainability Committee.

Best Management Practices for Zero Waste from Property Management's Perspective
Kilroy Realty values sustainability as a foundational principal for their operations across their portfolio. Hear from their Manager of Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility about how Kilroy has incorporated Zero Waste guidelines into their operations throughout California and especially in larger commercial complexes. Learn about successes and challenges, best management practices, key components for effective waste diversion programs, as well as hear from their perspective what leads to the best possible collaboration between government, private industry and waste haulers.
Webinar hosting presenter
Recycling and Waste Reduction Manager, UCSF
Daniel Chau always had an interest in the environment. From hiking in the mountains, camping, and taking field trips to learn how eco-systems work, this was installed in him when he was younger. He graduated from UC Davis with his B.S. in Environmental Horticulture.

In 2011, Daniel joined UCSF in the Recycling & Waste Reduction Program. He helped create the Sorting Program to target high contamination at UCSF and various other programs that help increase the diversion rate. Along with increasing recycling & composting, the focus has always been on reducing waste or finding new avenues for reusing items.

Mastering Zero Waste at UCSF
UCSF has been steadily marching towards zero waste and is currently only 12% points away from achieving their zero waste goal. To accomplish this, they have implemented numerous programs from digitizing data collection to hyper-target communication, to instituting sorting operations to eliminate contamination in their waste streams.
The creation of the UCSF Sorting Program helped increase diversion rates and gain further insights on contamination issues by conducting waste characteristics campus-wide. Furthermore campus operations have been utilizing the Zabble platform to streamline operations, reducing staff costs and utilizing the data to investigate the root causes of the waste issues. Attendees will learn about how UCSF has utilized this technology and data to actualize significant reductions in contamination, increases in diversion, lower hauling fees and fines.
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder and CEO, Zabble Inc
Nik's foray into the waste industry was triggered by the excessive amounts of waste in the environment and the lack of data on the quantity, quality and type of waste being disposed of. He founded Zabble Inc. in 2016 to build a cloud-based platform using mobile technology to simplify tracking and monitoring waste for large organizations committed to a zero waste goal. Prior to this, Nik worked at seminal startups in the Bay Area developing patented algorithms in the areas of noise cancellation, clinical data analysis, patient medication adherence and indoor air quality. Nik has been a TRUE Zero Waste Advisor since 2017 and is deeply involved in local beach cleanups since 2007. He currently serves as a board member for Northern California Recycling Association (NCRA). His passion for hiking and open water swimming is a constant reminder to keep trash out of the environment.
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CRRA webinar platform hosts Instituting Zero Waste in Large Commercial Operations: Pre-COVID and Beyond
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