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Intro to SpriteKit Games: Build a Simple Pong Clone

About This Webinar

Do you want to make 2D games for Apple products? Join master programmer Nimish Narang for a 1-hour session on how to navigate the SpriteKit framework.

Why SpriteKit?

SpriteKit is THE framework for making 2D games for Apple products. It's free! You can make cool games, from super simple to more complex, in SpriteKit. SpriteKit provides support for cool special effects and physics. It's a fun interface to express your creativity. Before you know it, you could see a game you built in SpriteKit in the App Store!

Here's what we'll do:
- Learn the basics of scenes, nodes, actions, and physics bodies in Xcode’s game engine
- Put all the concepts together to make the simple version of a classic game for iOS

But wait, there's MORE! If you enroll in this webinar, you'll get 2 FREE development courses from Mammoth Interactive. First, you'll get our NEW Introduction to SpriteKit course, where you learn how to build 3 games in SpriteKit. Second, you'll get our 77-hour course on how to build virtual reality games with Blender and Unity3D!

See you there :)

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $10.00
Webinar ID: 93cdeb77653e
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Mammoth Interactive
Online School for Development, Design and Data
Founded in 2009, Mammoth Interactive produces online tutorials in web, app, and game development. Our 400’000 students develop practical coding skills that they need to enter the workforce. We combine theory with hands-on experience.

Our curriculum takes students through the entire process of development, from downloading software to publishing an app. In our game development courses, we show how to build the necessary code and 3D models for games. Learn with us today!
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Learn to code, build websites and apps and make money. This is the #1 channel for complete beginners to learn to code! Reviewer Tasha says: "The presenter was very personable in helping with questions & providing next steps. Looking forward to more webinars!”
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