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How flexible working can improve mental health, benefiting the veterinary profession

About This Webinar

A why, what and how of flexible working. Focusing on how flexibility can improve mental health, benefiting the entire veterinary profession.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter angela jones
Equine Veterinary Surgeon, Equicall and Flexee
Angela Jones BVSc Cert AVP (EM) MRCVS
Angela is an emergency equine veterinary surgeon working in The Cotswolds.
As a vet and a mother, she has firsthand experience of trying to balance traditional clinical practice and family life. And can attest to the fact that the juggle is real. Angela and Silvia met during COVID 19 and finally began working together in 2023.

Angela provides material for social channels, blogs, interviews podcasts and webinars
Veterinary interests aside, Angela loves running, swimming and yoga. But most of all she enjoys exploring The Cotswolds with her little ones and their dog, George.
Webinar hosting presenter Kelly Nickalls
Editor, UK Vet Livestock and UK Veterinary Nurse
Associate Publisher, Veterinary Titles
Hosted By
MA Healthcare Virtual webinar platform hosts How flexible working can improve mental health, benefiting the veterinary profession
MA Healthcare is an established provider of nursing and medical education, offering printed resources, conferences and websites for professionals at all levels of the health services
Attended (40)