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Optimize the Checkout Experience

About This Webinar

Is a poor checkout process for your eCommerce business costing you sales? Industry insights have shown that having an overly complex or poorly designed checkout process is the leading cause of cart abandonment.

Get your questions answered on how to enhance your checkout experience. Learn how to reduce cart abandonment by a creating seamless, quick, and secure checkout experience. Plus, you’ll learn how to increase your revenue by adding recommendations based on what’s in your customer’s cart, showing how close they are to free shipping, and display relevant offers and promotions!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Danielle D
EVP of Business Development
Danielle runs sales and marketing for Liventus. She is passionate about tackling new challenges and unlocking business opportunities.

Webinar hosting presenter
EVP of Client Relations
Tim oversees project development and client relationships. He is passionate about driving efficiency through technology and great UX.

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Liventus webinar platform hosts Optimize the Checkout Experience
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