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Sunday, October 22, 2023 · 12:03 a.m. · Hong Kong
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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香港首位華裔認証 ADHD 教練 Let’s Talk ADHD 創辦人 Certified ADHD life coach -Founder of Let's Talk ADHD
Amanda Fok 女士是 Let's Talk ADHD 的創始人和認證的專注力不足及過度活躍症(ADHD)生活教練。 她於 2012 年獲得企業傳播和公共事務碩士學位,及在克服抑鬱症和與ADHD患者相處方面擁有寶貴的經驗。



Ms. Amanda Fok is the founder of Let's Talk ADHD and a certified ADHD coach. She graduated with a master's degree in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs in 2012 and has valuable experience in using different treatments to overcome depression and live well with ADHD.

Amanda has hosted over 200 ADHD live broadcasts in the past four years, interviewed ADHD experts from the EU, UK, Singapore, and local, and shared ADHD knowledge with international and local enterprises.

Her vision and objective are to help ADHDers to manage work and everyday life.
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