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如何從挫折邁向成功 Transitioning from Setbacks to Success

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香港城市大學正向教育研究室服務督導 註冊社工 Service Supervisor at the Positive Education Laboratory, City University of Hong Kong Registered Social Worker
由 2013 年開始,為超過400間機構及學校提供員工培訓、家長講座及推展正向心理學的督導工作


Since 2013, he has provided employee training, parent seminars, and the promotion of positive psychology supervision to over 400 institutions and schools.

His roles include acting as a consultant for the Education Bureau's "WE Positive Program". Collaborative partners include Baptist Sha Tin Wai Lui Ming Choi Primary School, HKUGA Primary School, Evangelical Church Mission Covenant Primary School, Whampoa Evangelical Primary School, Pui Ching Middle School, and Sacred Heart Canossian College, among others.
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