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音樂治療紓緩ADHD 徵狀 Music Therapy and ADHD



Music is often used for regulating emotions in everyday life and has beneficial effects on emotional health. Studies have shown that music therapy can significantly improve symptoms of ADHD, Autism, and other learning disabilities. Music therapist Herman Chow has experience in helping children with Special Education Needs. In this webinar, Herman will share with you the principles, treatment methods, and improvement effects of music in ADHD symptoms treatment. Don't miss it!

參與權限: 每個人
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
鄒丞鏗先生加拿大畢業音樂治療師。在加拿大修讀音樂治療學士後亦在加國有超過 1000 小時的實習時數。同時,擁有美國 Music Together 兒童音樂教育系統證書。及後,在香港亦修讀了情緒導向治療(Emotion-Focused Therapy)的課程證書。
2017 年回港後,鄒先生曾於不同非牟利政府機構和音樂教育中心提供相關服務,包括播道兒童之家、柏茵音樂學院和循道衛理中心。主要為有各樣學習和情緒障礙的小朋友、以致特殊障礙小朋友提供音樂治療服務,以改善他們在不同發展需要上的狀況。


Herman Chow was qualified as a music therapist in Canada, after more than 1000 internship hours of practice. Herman held a certificate of musical education for children's development from "Music Together" limited, a training program from the United States. After that, he took a course certificate in Emotion-Focused Therapy in Hong Kong. Herman returned to Hong Kong in 2017. He had provided related services in various non-profit government agencies and music education centres, including Evangelical Children's Home, Parkland Music, and Methodist Center. They mainly provide music therapy services for children with various learning and emotional disorders, as well as children with special disabilities, to improve their status in different developmental needs.

During the four years of working in music therapy in Hong Kong, Herman helped many children suffering from autism or hyperactivity to improve their social, emotional, and behavioural management and cognitive skills. In recent years, Herman has also been invited to give lectures on music therapy and tell some practical cases in music therapy at events organised by the Music Therapy Association and other education centres. Under the high pressure of Hong Kong, Herman's vision is to let more people know about music therapy and its potential value to different people in today's society through different channels, so as to provide an alternative way to improve their own emotions and mental health.
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