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ADHD教練的角色與功能:引導您成功管理ADHD The Role and Function of an ADHD Coach: Guiding You to Successfully Manage ADHD

About This Webinar




這次的線上講座將包括真實的成功故事,其中ADHD教練的指導顯著提高了ADHD朋友管理他們的ADHD的能力。此外,講者分享如何幫助ADHD 朋友設定成功的標準並定義可達成的目標。

這次的網上講座對於有ADHD的朋友、他們的家庭、教育工作者、心理健康專業人士,以及任何對學習更多關於ADHD教練感興趣的人來說都是一個極好的機會。 立即報名,參予這啟發性講座!"

"In this engaging session, our expert speaker will demystify the role of an ADHD coach. This profession is gaining recognition abroad for its transformative impact on the lives of individuals with ADHD.

While the concept of an ADHD coach is relatively new in Hong Kong, it's an established role overseas, helping those with ADHD reclaim their lives. Our speaker will delve into the unique roles and responsibilities of an ADHD coach and will distinguish them from traditional therapists and counsellors.

Get ready to learn about proven strategies and techniques used by ADHD coaches to help their clients effectively manage ADHD. Hear about the challenges individuals with ADHD face in seeking success and how a coach helps them navigate and overcome these obstacles.

This webinar will cover real-life success stories where ADHD coaching has significantly improved an individual's ability to manage their ADHD. Also, learn how ADHD coaches help individuals set success parameters and define achievable goals.

This webinar is an excellent opportunity for individuals with ADHD, their families, educators, mental health professionals, and anyone interested in learning more about ADHD coaching. Secure your spot today and join us in this enlightening discussion! Don't miss out on this chance to better understand and manage ADHD through the support of an ADHD coach."

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
香港首位華裔認証 ADHD 教練 Let’s Talk ADHD 創辦人 Certified ADHD life coach -Founder of Let's Talk ADHD
Amanda Fok 女士是 Let's Talk ADHD 的創始人和認證的專注力不足及過度活躍症(ADHD)生活教練。 她於 2012 年獲得企業傳播和公共事務碩士學位,及在克服抑鬱症和與ADHD患者相處方面擁有寶貴的經驗。



Ms. Amanda Fok is the founder of Let's Talk ADHD and a certified ADHD coach. She graduated with a master's degree in Corporate Communication and Public Affairs in 2012 and has valuable experience in using different treatments to overcome depression and live well with ADHD.

Amanda has hosted over 200 ADHD live broadcasts in the past four years, interviewed ADHD experts from the EU, UK, Singapore, and local, and shared ADHD knowledge with international and local enterprises.

Her vision and objective are to help ADHDers to manage work and everyday life.
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