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Kafka Office Hours Presented by Lenses: Streaming SQL

About This Webinar

Kafka Office Hours is a chance for the Lenses.io community to share their learnings on Kafka and other micro-service topics. Each session will run 30-45 minutes, featuring a different Lenses.io engineer, customer or partner presenting; the presentations scale from beginner to expert and focus on a different theme each session.

The audience is “invite only”, based on the expertise level of the topic. Audience members get a chance to ask questions to folks outside of their org and better their own Kafka knowledge and skills.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Scala Engineer - Engines Technical Lead at Lenses.io
Polyglot software engineer with extensive architecture and development skills. Driven and ambitious developer with a strong Computer Science academic background and a keen interest about the Financial Markets. Strong experience in Scala and Java environments; passionate about Functional Programming.
Hosted By
lenses.io webinar platform hosts Kafka Office Hours Presented by Lenses: Streaming SQL
Guillaume Ayme's webinars
Attended (10)