The Five Conversations: Tough Talks with Aging Family Members
About this Series
We might know it's to time to do something to help an aging relative. But, how do we even begin the conversation? Get practical help on each of the Five Conversations from experienced aging professionals - many of whom have experienced these conversations with their own family members.

Each episode in the series focuses on one of the five conversations.

#1 - Something's wrong.
I think it's time to start helping mom out. How do I let her know - and not start acting like her parent?

#2 - I'll take your keys and checkbook please.
Dad is unsafe driving and the finances are a mess. How do I do this without an argument?

#3 - Um, you're moving.
Home is no longer the right place for her. How do I tell her that?

#4 - You can't take both sets of china!
We're downsizing and getting ready to move. How do I help her?

#5 - Do you like it here?
I'm visiting him at his new assisted living. What's the best way to keep things positive?

Bring your real life situations for feedback from guest specialists. After sharing a brief review of practical tips and several case studies, they'll give thoughtful perspective and suggestions for your own unique situation.

Register for all 5 episodes at once on this page. Or, scroll down to register for just the episodes most relevant to you.
This Series has 5 Episodes
  • I think something is not quite right.
    Conversation #1: Something's wrong!
    Thursday, May 28, 2020 · 11:00 AM PDT
    This is the conversation where it all starts. You see signs that something is not quite right. But, how do you enter their life to help when they may not believe they need any help? And, sometimes we realize that we are starting to act more like a parent than like a spouse, son, daughter or friend.

    - How do I tell for sure it’s time to start getting involved?
    - What do I do when they don't think they need any help?
    - I don’t want my relationship to change.
    - Can I keep being her daughter and not become her mom?
  • I don't think driving and handling finances is safe anymore.
    Conversation #2: I'll take your keys and checkbook please.
    Thursday, June 4, 2020 · 11:00 AM PDT
    In our last event, we discussed the conversation in which we open the door for helping an aging relative. At this event, we'll think through how to have tough conversations about starting to help with driving and finances.

    - How do I take aware the car keys?
    - What about the credit cards, checkbooks, and bills?
  • I don't know how to tell them things are changing.
    Conversation #3: Um, you're moving.
    Thursday, June 11, 2020 · 11:00 AM PDT
    In our last event, we discussed the conversation in which we start managing finances and find alternative ways for our aging relative to get around without driving themselves. At this event, we'll think through how to tell someone they love that they really need to accept a stranger in their home to help provide support or move into a senior living community.

    - When do I need to get help for dad?
    - What are the signs it's time to hire a care partner or start looking for assisted living?
    - How do I tell him? I know he'll say, "No!"
  • I have never moved an aging relative!
    Conversation #4: You can't take both sets of china!
    Thursday, June 18, 2020 · 11:00 AM PDT
    In our last event, we discussed the conversation in which we break the news that an aging relative needs to move to a senior living community. At this event, we'll talk through the conversations that happen as we get ready to move on and on moving day.

    - How am I going to help her sort through all her stuff and then move?
    - What do I tell her when I drop her off?
    - How do we stay friends through all of this? What will make this successful?
  • I want to stay connected and enjoy our visits.
    Conversation #5: Do you like it here?
    Thursday, June 25, 2020 · 11:00 AM PDT
    In our last event, we discussed the conversations just before moving and on the day of a move to a senior living community. At this event, we'll talk about the conversations that take place when we're visiting our aging relatives.

    - How often should I visit?
    - What makes a good visit?
    - What do I do when I come?
    - What if I need to speak up about concerns?
    - How do I help them have a wonderful time and stay close?
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