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Live from the Lab: 電路設計快易通


想知道將 50 Ω 軌跡浸入液態氮,會發生什麼變化?急需獲得棘手工程問題的解答?

參與權限: People who attended or registered for the webinar only
會議價格: 免費
Webinar hosting presenter
Test Geek and Marketing Engineer/ Keysight Technologies
Daniel Bogdanoff is a Test Geek and Marketing Engineer at Keysight Technologies and is best known for his videos on the Keysight Labs YouTube Channel and has authored articles in numerous publications including NASA Tech Briefs, All About Circuits, and Hackaday. He has a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University. Find him on Twitter @DanielBogdanoff.
Webinar hosting presenter
Network Analyzer Product Marketing Manager / Keysight Technologies
Gabi Duncan, Keysight network analyzer product marketing manager, has a background in electrical engineering, previously working as a sensor application engineer and a power IC product marketing engineer.
Webinar hosting presenter
Signal Integrity Application Scientist / Keysight Technologies
Chun-ting 'Tim' Wang Lee, Ph.D. is a Signal Integrity Application Scientist in the PathWave Software and Solutions Group of Keysight Technologies. Tim received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2020. His work focuses on understanding the printed circuit board fabrication process and how it impacts the on-board Signal Integrity. Lately, he has been presenting ways to improve simulation and measurement correlation. Tim has garnered much acclaim for his well-crafted presentations and memorable delivery style. 