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Actionable Agile Metrics for Predictability with Daniel Vacanti

About This Webinar

“When will it be done?”

That is probably the first question your customers ask you once you start working on something for them. Think about how many times you have been asked that question. How many times have you ever actually been right?

We can debate all we want whether this is a fair question to ask given the tremendous amount of uncertainty in knowledge work, but the truth of the matter is that our customers are going to inquire about completion time whether we like it or not. Which means we need to come up with an accurate way to answer them. The problem is that the forecasting tools that we currently utilize have made us ill-equipped to provide accurate answers to reasonable customer questions.

We will delve deeper into the following analytics to discuss how they can help you improve and make predictions about your process:

Interactive Cumulative Flow Diagrams come alive and rightly take their place at the forefront of understanding process health.

Little understood, and almost always (until now) built incorrectly, Cycle Time Scatterplots are your best friend when it comes to predictability.

Uncertainty needs to be thought of as a shape and not a number. Cycle Time Histograms are the shape of your process.

We don’t stop there. Join us to learn more about how you can monitor your process aging and make simple forecasts about your outcomes.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: a2325b8f47b0
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Daniel Vacanti
CEO and Cofounder of ActionableAgile™
Daniel Vacanti has more than 20 years of experience focusing on Lean and Agile practices. In 2007, he helped to develop the Kanban Method for knowledge work. He managed the world’s first project implementation of Kanban that year, and has been conducting Kanban training, coaching, and consulting ever since—including extensive work for several Fortune 100 companies. Most recently, Daniel founded ActionableAgile™ which provides industry leading predictive analytics tools and services to any flow-based process. Daniel holds a MBA and regularly teaches a class on lean principles for software management at the University of California Berkeley.
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