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About This Webinar

Here's where you'll meet with Kerry for your live coaching session.

Language: English
Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Kerry Decker
Pastor and Founder of KaboomSummits.com & WebinarChurch.org
Pastor Kerry has been ministering in churches since 1976. He has a wealth of ministry experience both the local church and working with mission agencies.

He’s the founder of WebinarChurch.org and KaboomSummits.com and is a Reasonable Faith Chapter Director.

He has developed a couple online courses, including SidewaysRelationships.com and Principle1335.com

Kerry is married to Janice and they have three adult children.
Hosted By
Kaboom Summits webinar platform hosts Meet with Kerry
Kerry Decker's webinars