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BBC Good Food (On-Demand): Stir-Up Sunday Christmas Pudding Cook Along and Christmas Baking Tips and Troubleshooting

About This Webinar

‘Stir-Up Sunday’' is the last Sunday before advent and is traditionally the day to make your Christmas pudding. Join Cassie Best at home for this online event to make your first-ever Christmas pudding, or to get some hints and tips to improve your Christmas pudding, cake and mincepie making.

In this class we’ll cover how to make your pudding mixture, fill and cover your basin and all the different methods of cooking from stove top and oven steaming to microwaving and using your slow cooker. You can either cook-along, in which case you’ll need to do some advance shopping and preparation, or you can watch through and then use the recording to help you at a more convenient time. If you plan on steaming or slow cooking your Christmas pudding, then you’ll need at least six hours to complete the recipes once the webinar ends.

Once the pudding is prepared, we’ll look at reheating techniques and presentation. We’ll also talk about other Christmas recipes that you may like to make on the same day including a Christmas cake and mincemeat, and at the end Cassie will answer your questions.

The recipe and shopping list will be shared with you by email prior to the webinar.

This 1 ½ hour class will include:

  • Learn to make a classic Christmas pudding recipe from start to finish with our exclusive new recipes
  • Adaptations to make a gluten-free or vegan puddings
  • Cooking methods including steaming, using a slow cooker and using a microwave
  • Presentation ideas and tips for serving your pudding
  • Classic Christmas cake
  • Mincemeat and mince pies
  • Q & A
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: £10.00
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Cassie is Food Director for BBC Good Food. In the ten years she has been working at Good Food she has created hundreds of recipes, including many of the recipes you see on the cover of the magazine. She has a passion for creating easy family meals that everyone can cook and enjoy and also loves to bake.