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NGS and Single-Cell Genomics Offered by CU Genomic Core

Tuesday, September 15, 2020 · 9:10 a.m. · Mountain Time (US & Canada)
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Core Manager, Genomics and Microarray Core, Anschutz Medical Campus
Katrina Diener has worked in the Genomics Core Facility for the past ten years. Her current role in the core is that of Lab Manger. She is the point of contact, the glue that holds the team together, and the go to person to get an answer.
Hosted By
 Illumina  webinar platform hosts NGS and Single-Cell Genomics Offered by CU Genomic Core
Illumina 's webinars
Attended (8)