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Master in Yacht Design - IED Torino

About This Webinar

The world of yacht design is changing and so is the design approach. Spaces and products are evolving quickly and contaminations between sectors are representing an increasingly interesting and stimulating ground for research and experimentation, especially in the field of design.

Nautical design is experiencing the influence of an innovative automotive oriented attitude, able to effect the working standards with technical and stylistic solutions borrowed from car design. The Master in Yacht Design proposed by IED Turin, offers an ideal solution, because it gives a training path based on the growing process of osmosis between the yacht and the automotive world.

In this webinar you will discover, together with the reference advisor, the course coordinator and an ex student, the main characteristics of the program, the profile of the teachers, the projects carried out by the students and the career opportunities of the course.

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Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Admission Advisor IED Torino
Webinar hosting presenter
Yacht Design Master Coordinator
Webinar hosting presenter
Yacht Design Master Teacher
Webinar hosting presenter
Alumnus IED Torino
Attended (12)