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IED Milan Summer courses

About This Webinar

If you have a creative mind and enjoy designing innovative interior spaces and showrooms, or if you have an interest in the strategic aspect of fashion, join our webinar and learn more about the Summer courses we propose in Milan on these topics.
During the event, our professors will talk about the courses' contents, our teaching methodology, as well as the benefits you will achieve by attending one of these courses. 
You will also be able to understand how the admission process works as well as early bird promotion available.

  • IED History and Methodology
  • Fashion Marketing
  • Interior and Showroom Design
  • Admission Process
  • Q&A Session
Who can view:
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Admission Advisor
Admission Advisor Formazione Continua IED Milano
Webinar hosting presenter
Communication and Marketing Consultant, IED Professor and Course Coordinator
Professional Communication Strategist with a communication and marketing academic background and an international experience. In the past 10 years, Andrea has been working in international contexts to help build consistent brand and communication strategies in different fields such as design, Made in Italy, sport and luxury. He is currently working as an Academic Advisor and trainer for digital marketing, communication and storytelling with different universities and schools.
Webinar hosting presenter
Design Project Coordinator
Marta started her career working with architecture studios, as well as with Futurarium - School of Art Architecture and Design. Since '97 she’s been collaborating with IED, teaching modellism and coordinating Summer Courses and Special Projects. She also translates design editorials from Italian to English and works as Net Communication Designer.
Attended (13)