NB: This webinar is a private event for current iCanMed students only. All other students will be removed from the register.
As the second webinar in the two-part webinar series, Dr Justin Sung, iCanStudy's co-founder, will spend 1.5-hours to help you further refine your study approach by covering the following topics:
1. Learn about how the law of marginal gains can completely reverse the way you think about becoming more productive.
2. Discover why being more motivated can actually cause you to procrastinate more over time
3. Learn why even the most disciplined people can't overcome willpower exhaustion and why most students will always struggle with procrastination
4. Explore the neuroscience behind permanently reducing procrastination and creating better habits by exploiting (rather than avoiding) our own laziness
5. Learn about the ridiculously overpowered "cookie jar effect" and how we can pair it with "classical conditioning" to continuously generate the right kind of motivation with virtually zero effort.
6. Start designing "downhill environments" and how you can leverage "minimum viable goals" to make procrastinating harder than being productive!
7. Put it all together in our 4-Point Efficiency Engine, the system Dr Justin Sung has used for years to eliminate procrastination and motivation issues from his life.
Make sure to sign up and attend the webinar to become informed about the in's and out's to maximise study efficiency.