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How To Finish UCAT Prep In Term 1 and 2

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 · 5:00 p.m. · Melbourne
About This Webinar


It seems the more we have on our plate, the faster time flies. As we now ease into term 1 of the 2024 school year, it’s now time to seriously look into the UCAT.

The main interest amongst students that are looking to start their UCAT prep is exactly where they stand in the competition with questions such as “how many people have started prep?” and “How much time do I need to spend in total?” The truth and is that although not the majority, the top students in years 10 and 11 have already begun their prep long ago since April and they are already finished with Section 1 Verbal Reasoning (takes up to 40% of total prep time).

So… what does that mean for you?

Considering the fact that only the top 5-7% of students get interview opportunities (let alone get into med/dent!) means that you can’t beat the competition by going with the same prep timelines/techniques that the majority of students settle for. The only way to earn your spot is through the most effective and efficient prep (prep that takes you miles further much quicker than anyone else) to catch up to 1000+ iCanMed students who have been prepping since April and these top tips are what we are here to share.

In this webinar, Ray, iCanMed’s education advisor, will share with you the techniques and timelines that are research-proven to help you best utilise your summer break for the most effective/efficient results with reference to the following points:

How to best organise your prep to help you achieve a UCAT score high enough to earn interview spots
Biggest mistakes students make in UCAT prep that causes failure despite 500+ hours of preparation
Step by step instructions on how to approach preparation with full explanation on why certain strategies do not work

iCanMed Results: Golden Standard For UCAT Success
In UCAT 2023, iCanMed students dominated the test, where our students averaged 92nd percentile and over 30% of our students scored in the 95th–99th percentile range.
Almost 1000 students have already chosen to use iCanMed to help them achieve UCAT success on the 2023–24 exam. As the thought leaders in UCAT preparation and teaching, the free workshops we offer are designed to help every candidate gain the necessary insights to achieve their best results and gain entry into their dream course.

Check out more free events at https://icanmed.com.au/events

Who can view:
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
iCanMed Educational Advisor
Ray is an educational advisor for iCanMed. He regularly communicates with students and parents to provide the best advice and keep them updated on the rapidly changing realities of getting into medicine/dentistry across Australia and New Zealand.
Attended (14)