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GenZology: 2021 Planning Edition

About This Webinar

At this month's virtual GenZology summit, we will "spill the tea" on all things Gen Z marketing and planning for 2021! You'll learn from a team of certified GenZologists at Her Campus Media who understand the deep, complex, and diverse world of Gen Z. We'll cover all-new topics including:

- A panel of *real college students* on their passion points, current media consumption habits, and other hot topics as they think about what next semester will look like

- The fast-changing social world of Gen Z including the latest on TikTok, Reels, and Triller

- How brands can show up for and empower the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in history

- First-to-market and proven Gen Z marketing recommendations for 2021

- And much more!

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Windsor Western
Co-Founder, President and Publisher
Webinar hosting presenter
Manager, Influencer Marketing & Community
Hosted By
Her Campus Media webinar platform hosts GenZology: 2021 Planning Edition
Her Campus Media is the #1 media portfolio for college students and Gen Z. We reach this audience better than anyone else across our properties Her Campus, Spoon University, College Fashionista, and the InfluenceHer Collective.
Attended (244)