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"Resetting" to thrive post COVID-19

About This Webinar

"Resetting" to Thrive Beyond COVID-19
Plan, prioritise, and execute to emerge with competitive advantage

Businesses everywhere are attempting to re-set and are working hard to ensure their restart will regain if not surpass their original competitive position. Some are doing this more effectively than others.

How is your organisation faring?
Is there prioritized plan in place?
Will that plan lead to competitive advantage?
Will you execute effectively?

Join Mark Cooper in this exclusive webinar as he draws upon his 40+ years of industry and leadership experience and discusses what to do now to thrive beyond COVID-19.

You will learn how to:
Harvest quality ideas
Plan and prioritise initiatives to maximise business success
Follow through with execution to seize competitive advantage
Avoid common political and planning pitfalls
Create tangible business value and delight stakeholders

Brought to you by:
Focus HQ https://focushq.com/
MinedOverMatter https://mom-hq.com/

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder and Managing Director - Focus HQ
43 years military and industry leadership, cross industry
Planned and delivered portfolios approx $500M
Built and managed a global company to annual revenues of $20m
Attended (49)