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Behaviours, Total experience, Technology; Delivering Business Outcomes that Matter

About This Webinar

Behaviours, Total Experience, Technology;
Delivering Business Outcomes that Matter

We all went into 2020 with a plan. Those plans were rendered irrelevant just a few months into the year. Organisations quickly rolled out contingency plans and put non-essential initiatives on hold.

This may lead one to believe that 2020 was a wash for technology innovation, but am sure we read and experienced first-hand how digital transformation is sweeping through every aspect of society, and driving unprecedented technological, social, governance, and economic post-recovery in businesses today.

At the heart of this digital transformation are business stakeholders who have been tasked with the imperative to deliver growing performance by optimising revenues and cost-efficiencies to create competitive advantages for the present and the future.

Companies are rethinking the needs of their businesses in more intimate ways especially in connecting to the stakeholder's experience; both internally and externally.

Join us as Aju Murjani, passionate technology leader at IBM Asia Pacific, shares his insights on key technology trends and discusses implementing technology with purpose.

Aju will discuss on:

•Key technology trends
•Importance of having a purpose-driven organisation
•Findings on total experience and how it drives business outcomes

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Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Passionate Technology Leader at IBM Asia Pacific
Attended (25)