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Behind the scenes with the Flume Concierge

About This Webinar

The Flume Concierge is a key part of every member's healthcare journey. Because of this, we're investing in building a strong foundation of reliable processes, knowledgeable reps, and fast response times.

Jael Guzman has over a decade of experience running customer support teams for major entities such as Aetna and Optum. Now, she's bringing that expertise to Flume Health as our Customer Support Manager. Join us Thursday, July 15, for an exclusive conversation on topics including:

* Our process for training Concierge representatives
* How we leverage our customized CRM to process and assign support tickets
* A look forward at how we're scaling the Concierge team

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Hosted By
Flume Health webinar platform hosts Behind the scenes with the Flume Concierge
Cedric Kovacs-Johnson's conferences and webinars
Attended (37)