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Get Your Marketing Strategy Ready for 2024 

About This Webinar

Dealer Spike is hosting a special webinar, titled "Get Your Marketing Strategy Ready for 2024." This webinar will serve as a comprehensive guide to equip Powersports and Marine dealers with the tools and insights needed to stay ahead in a challenging and ever-evolving market. The webinar centers around the expectations of the modern consumer and explores best practices to leverage a cost-effective omnichannel marketing strategy. 

For more information, visit https://www.dealerspike.com/.

  • Understanding the consumer’s digital path to purchase and their expectations for personalized experiences 
  • Practical strategies to optimize your marketing budget and maximize the impact of your marketing strategies.
  • How to leverage automation and retargeting tools to re-engage your existing audience base and save you time and effort. 
Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Editor in Chief - Powersports Business Magazine
Webinar hosting presenter
Senior Digital Sales Manager with Dealer Spike
Ronnie has spent nearly a decade working with Powersports, Marine and RV dealers. He’s worked with Google as a co-presenter multiple times on OEM Digital Strategy Sessions. Ronnie lives in West Linn, OR with his lovely wife, 1-year old son and 2 dogs. For fun, he likes to get out on the river, or pack up the sprinter van to head out on adventures.