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Why CX tech convergence means the most important choice is your integration partner

About This Webinar

For many organisations, moving to the cloud felt like a generational shift. But the reality is that the real change is still to come. Instead of large-scale tech procurement and long-term implementations, we’re now in a time when vendors are continuously tweaking solutions, to add capabilities. Old barriers between contact centre solutions, CRM and ITSM are blurring.

The challenge for businesses is twofold: first to work out which of these many solutions can add real value to their operations, and then to roll them out, at speed.

In this podcast, Connect’s VP of Sales and Marketing Steven Fricker and customer engagement expert Martin Hill-Wilson of Brainfood discuss how the cloud has changed tech procurement and strategy. They look at the decisions businesses need to make to capitalise on the opportunities of this more flexible landscape, such as:

• how to keep pace with the constant roll-out of new features
• picking the right vendors when their solutions look increasingly similar
• developing the structure and culture to enable incremental change
• the changing role for partners – from big-bang implementation projects to ongoing agile delivery

The wide-ranging discussion, lasting just over 30 minutes, highlights essential topics businesses should consider to make the most of their cloud deployments.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
VP of Sales and Marketing
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder at Brainfood Consulting
Martin was CEO of one of the first BPOs and CX consultancies in the UK. He then spent a decade in the systems integration industry positioning the value of new technology and the associated change agenda. He is now in his tenth year as Brainfood Consulting offering a mix of services. These include conference chairing, keynotes, webinars, whitepapers, workshops, consulting and mentoring. Current topics include responding to new customer behaviour, emotive CX for customer interaction, digital first customer service strategy and trends in contact centre technology

Happy to talk either via martin@brainfoodconsulting.com, @martinhw or 078 1691 5845.
Hosted By
Engage Business Media webinar platform hosts Why CX tech convergence means the most important choice is your integration partner
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Over the past decade we have run a series of hugely successful industry recognised live events which include Annual Summits, Conferences, Industry Awards and top-level Roundtable Focus Group Workshops.
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