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Empire Life University: Disability Management: Faster Access to Psychiatric Treatment with Medaca

About This Webinar

Nearly 4.6 million Canadians say they do not have a regular doctor—but even those who do can find it challenging to get access to a specialist. Six to 12 months is the traditional wait time to see a psychiatrist in Canada, according to Medaca Health Group. Medaca is part of our suite of disability management tools as of September 1. In this webinar, we will discuss: Trends in the disability landscape; Medaca services that help people on disability leave to regain their health and return to work without unnecessary delay; Case studies that illustrate how Medaca works; The return on investment these services deliver; Considerations for advisors.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Director of Sales Enablement
Webinar hosting presenter
Product Manager, Life and Disability, Empire Life
Webinar hosting presenter
Managing Director, Medaca