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· 1 hour 30 minutes

Tuesday Nights U.S. Time : Positive Psychology Helping Attitude and Work Life Balance - prerecorded

Wednesday, April 21, 2021 · 1:00 a.m. · London
About This Webinar

As adults we are always working on increasing our happiness, building successful work-life balance, in fact THRIVING in life. This session takes us through a number of positive psychology tools from which we can decide what we want to do next.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter pd.education by doctoralnet l
CEO and Founder
PD.Education gives you step-by-step explanations of the subtleties and skills you need to help your graduate education be less stressful. We cover academic writing, research design, work-life balance and transferable skills for later employment.
Hosted By
pd.education by DoctoralNet webinar platform hosts Tuesday Nights U.S. Time : Positive Psychology Helping Attitude and Work Life Balance - prerecorded
Our mission is to work closely with universities to improve graduate/postgraduate retention and completion. We do that through providing personalized professional development portals/apps and tools. These webinars are one of those tools.
Attended (5)