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Ending challenges with work/life/school balance in graduate work

About This Webinar

This is the second of five webinars aimed at discussing research and literature aimed at what are considered the five greatest challenges faced in graduate school: ambiguity, work/life balance, independence, skill development, and support. Each session is independent but the set of five are aimed to give all graduate students the strategies they need to avoid pitfalls and complete their degrees. RSVPs are needed to see the recordings.

Who can view: Channel subscribers only
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: f60c5fd5a181
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter pd.education by doctoralnet l
CEO and Founder
PD.Education gives you step-by-step explanations of the subtleties and skills you need to help your graduate education be less stressful. We cover academic writing, research design, work-life balance and transferable skills for later employment.
Hosted By
pd.education by DoctoralNet webinar platform hosts Ending challenges with work/life/school balance in graduate work
Our mission is to work closely with universities to improve graduate/postgraduate retention and completion. We do that through providing personalized professional development portals/apps and tools. These webinars are one of those tools.
Attended (6)