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The Rise of Online Community: Entering The Era Of We

About This Webinar

As a result of our current health crisis, consumers are significantly interacting with established online communities and seeking more authentic connection and engagement with like-minded individuals. In this session, Will Cady, Head of Brand Strategy at Reddit, will unpack the rise of online communities, the opportunity it presents for brands of all sizes, and explore the creative and strategies that are leading the way.

After this session, you’ll be able to:

- Recognize how engagement and sharing on social platforms are drastically changing for brands and users
- Identify where brands can fit into the conversation, and their role in an online community
- Understand why, when it comes to online communities, it’s all about trust

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Head of Brand Strategy, Reddit
Will Cady is Head of Brand Strategy at Reddit and oversees a team dedicated to finding homes for brands within Reddit’s ecosystem of vast and varied communities. Prior to this, Will launched, hired, and managed Reddit’s Los Angeles brand partnerships office; leaning on his years of experience architecting revenue-driving programs that connected brands with fast-growing pockets of music, art, and experience just as they reach their tipping points. Will has created and executed programs for a host of Fortune Global 100 brands including Amazon, Toyota, Sony, T-Mobile, and many, many others during his time at Reddit.
Attended (288)