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GA4: Conquering uncertain times with App+Web Analytics for the Future

About This Webinar

Google Analytics 4 is built with machine learning capabilities to help companies understand their audience and identify future opportunities while keeping privacy concerns at the forefront in-line with the industry shifts towards cookie restrictions. An investment in Google Analytics 4 today will give companies an advantage over its competitors in the long-run by having smarter analytics and more control over how data is being collected and processed for analysis.

Marketers are already interested in cross-domain, cross-device, cross-session user behaviours, so why not cross-platform? This type of measurement aligns with how users interact on the internet today, moving between websites and apps.

The ability to view the customer journey across multiple platforms allow companies to learn how their customers interact with the company/brand, not just the website.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Digital Analytics specialist
Digital Analytics specialist based in Sydney. Owns the design, set up and maintenance of the GMP infrastructure.
Over 10 years of experience in executing large analytical projects for a number of recognisable brands in all major web analytics platforms including Google & Adobe.
Hosted By
Datalicious webinar platform hosts GA4: Conquering uncertain times with App+Web Analytics for the Future
Datalicious is a data analytics consultancy that helps marketers improve their customer journey through the implementation of smart data-driven marketing strategies. Our team of marketing data specialists offers a wide range of skills suitable for any challenge, for both new and advanced businesses.
Attended (38)