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Mindful Moments- Using the Magic Moments of Everyday Life to Boost your Mental Wellbeing

About This Webinar

A talk by Steve Pinner. ABOUT THIS TALK:
Using the Magic Moments in Everyday Life to Boost your Mental Wealth

Mindfulness isn’t just all about meditation… it is about being fully aware and engaging your senses so that your mind and body can relax and re-energise. Finding the time to pop in some ear buds, find a meditation program that ‘speaks to you’ and tune yourself in can be a battle for many in this crazy, hectic world. Fortunately the benefits of ‘tuning in, so you can tune out’ aren’t limited to the times you can find to meditate.

In this presentation Steve Pinner will discuss how using the magical moments in your day to day life can supercharge your mental wellbeing. Mindful Moments is focused on becoming more aware of the simple yet beautiful things in life, becoming more in touch with our senses, our emotions and taking back the lost time that can be wasted in worry, anxiety, sadness and… social media.

Mindful Moments is heavily influences by the principles of Positive Psychology with a daily focus on gratitude, empathy and mindfulness as a core practice.

Steve Pinner is an educator, men’s wellbeing advocate and author of MAN:RESTARTED- A Real Life, No-Nonsense Guide for Men in their Middle Years. Steve’s passion is to support men in their mid age who find themselves asking the question “Is this all there is?” to re-discover their enthusiasm, passion and zest for life.

Steve also is founder of Backbone and Heart School Programs, which deliver down to earth, real world workshops for adolescent boys on topics such as;
*Backbone and Heart- the true qualities of a man.
*Consent and Relationships.
*The true damage of Pornography.
*Rites of Passage for young men.

Steve is a proud dad to two, 16 year husband to Meags and professional ball thrower for the family border collie, Bella.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Hosted By
Dale Sidebottom webinar platform hosts Mindful Moments- Using the Magic Moments of Everyday Life to Boost your Mental Wellbeing
Dale Sidebottom has been referred to as the energiser bunny of the presenting world. With his love of play, fun fitness, energy and passion for getting people moving, Dale has created of Jugar Life, Energetic Education as well as the top rating podcast Energetic Radio.
Attended (8)