Want to be an entrepreneur?
Cavanaugh L. Gray is here to answer your questions and to discuss what being an entrepreneur means.
Starting a business doesn’t have to be complicated you just have to be willing to take the first step! As a leading small business development company our goal is to provide entrepreneurs with a simpler way to start, grow and succeed in small business. At The Entrepreneur Café, LLC we are passionate about helping our clients better navigate the startup landscape. We do this by providing entrepreneurs with the resources to operate on a larger business platform by accessing scaled economies, acquiring areas of expertise, utilizing creative low to no cost marketing strategies, and growing with limited financial resources and investment.
The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC . . . More Money, More Time, More Control, More Happiness!
Cavanaugh is a lifelong entrepreneur and the Director of Business Developement for The Entrepreneur Cafe, LLC. His approach to business development centers on business model strategy, long-term business planning and brand focused marketing strategies for pre-startups, startups and growth companies. His diverse startup experience allows him to see the often overlooked interrelated issues among a small business' management, marketing and finances.