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How to build a community on LinkedIn

About This Webinar

In the words of our Chief Executive Orca, Joe: “Create for your community, not the algorithm.”

Join us on May 9 at 2:00 pm EST to discover how to build a thriving community on LinkedIn.
The most exciting part of this webinar? We’ll be joined by . . . *drumroll, please* . . . community-building expert Christina Garnett!

Christina will be giving us the inside scoop on:

✅ How she grew her LinkedIn community to 17,000+
✅ Community-building best practices (and real-world advice!)
✅ Engagement tips and tricks that will help you connect with your crew or client's ideal audience.

We are huge fans of Christina here at HeyOrca, so we’re so excited to sit down with her and chat about community! You don’t want to miss this.

P.S. As always, we’ll be giving away prizes! Register now to get in on the fun.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Community Manager @ HeyOrca
Alyssa is a Community Manager at HeyOrca. She focuses on growing their community through newsletters, resources, workshops and their Facebook Group, HeyOrca Community.
Webinar hosting presenter
Social Media Community Manager @ HeyOrca
Qetsiyah is the Social Media Community Manager at HeyOrca! With her background in freelancing and social media, she helps answer community questions surrounding social media and creates content for fellow marketing professionals.
Webinar hosting presenter
Fractional Chief Customer Officer & Advisor
Christina Garnett, a fractional chief customer officer and advisor, has a talent for boosting customer satisfaction and fostering brand loyalty. Her expertise spans from Fortune 500 companies to startups, touching every sector from agencies to small businesses. Christina excels in problem-solving, program optimization, and enhancing social media and community engagement, all with a focus on creating authentic connections between brands and their audiences.

Christina believes in real, authentic connections. That's her secret sauce for leaving a lasting impression on how brands and customers interact online. Her expertise in social listening and community building has landed her spots in HubSpot Academy (Social Media, Social Listening), Semrush Academy (Social Listening), and On Deck's Community Builder Program (Advocacy as a Growth Lever).

She's shared her insights at conferences like INBOUND and Digital Summit, as well as dozens of podcasts, bringing practical advice to those looking to deepen their brand-customer relationships. You can find her thoughts featured in Adweek, Forbes, The Next Web, PR Daily, and Digiday.
Webinar hosting presenter
Growth Marketing Manager
Jesse is HeyOrca's Growth Marketing Manager. Her focus is on increasing our pod size by growing HeyOrca's brand awareness through delightful experiences. Her goal: going mainstream!
Webinar hosting presenter
Lysle is a social media manager turned direct-response copywriter. She's passionate about helping digital marketers craft compelling brand stories and build engaged communities.
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HeyOrca webinar platform hosts How to build a community on LinkedIn
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