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The PEAK Comprehensive Assessment (PCA): An ABA Standardized Language and Cognition Assessment

About This Webinar

What it is, why it matters, and why it changes everything.

Dr Dixon will showcase the rationale, procedures and emerging research on the PCA. He will discuss how this tool makes the ABA assessment process easier than ever before, how it can replace prior utilized tools, and teach attendees exactly how to administer. Additionally he will reveal convergent validity AND outcome data with the PCA and other established measures of autism severity, adaptive behavior, and IQ.

1. Attendees will be able to describe the purpose and methods of the PCA
2. Define the various sub tests within the PCA, and how they relate to the various PEAK modules for curriculum development
3. Decode assessment results and interpret for treatment protocol development.
4. Complete and form synthesis of challenging behavior and autism severity characteristics displayed during PCA administration and impact on treatment approach.

3 Learning CEs

*Webinar will be recorded and available after the live event.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: $100.00
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Attended (54)