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High School Counselors: Providing Admissions Guidance During Coronavirus

About This Webinar

As Coronavirus rapidly changes the education landscape, now more than ever proper guidance can make a huge difference in a student's college trajectory.

In this presentation exclusively for counselors, we'll be walking through how Coronavirus is impacted college admissions and how to provide clarity and guidance to students in this difficult time.

We’ll also open up the floor for a Q&A session to answer any and all questions about Coronavirus disruptions, the admissions process, testing, and paying for college.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter Vinay B
Co-Founder, Head of Data Science
Hosted By
CollegeVine webinar platform hosts High School Counselors: Providing Admissions Guidance During Coronavirus
CollegeVine offers a diverse range of webinars on college admissions—always filled with our unique guidance insights and perspectives.
Attended (47)