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· 2 hours 30 minutes

Disciplemaking that Leads to Church Multiplication

Friday, June 4, 2021 · 8:30 a.m. · Central Time (US & Canada)
About This Webinar

Most disciplemaking programs focus on how to live a better life. However, the Great Commission ties making disciples to discipling nations; the early Church made disciples who multiplied churches. Digging into his portfolio of Scripture and pastoral experience, Ralph will teach you how to do the same. He is the founding pastor of three churches, which grew into the Hope Chapel movement that now numbers more than 2,300 congregations worldwide.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
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Ralph is the founding pastor of the Hope Chapel movement that numbers more than 2,300 congregations worldwide. He currently serves as church multiplication catalyzer for Exponential.org. Ralph travels the globe teaching church multiplication to pastors in startup movements and has authored several books. Catch his blog, podcast, and coaching opportunities at www.ralphmoore.net.
Attended (55)