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Lecture 2 - Feeding the Mind: Plutarch

About This Webinar

Plutarch (c. 45 – c 120 AD), from a landed family in Cheronaea in central Greece, is one of the most attractive personalities of antiquity. ‘My very own Plutarch, so perfect, so outstanding a judge of human actions and a philosopher who teaches us what purity is’ was the accolade of the essayist Michel de Montaigne. Plutarch was another all-round intellectual, famous for his Lives of prominent Greeks and Romans but also author of many essays on ethical and other topics. His Table Talk recounts the discussions of his learned friends on every kind of issue. He was also a priest at Delphi so we can explore the oracle in his day. Rediscovered in the sixteenth century, it was not only Montaigne who was inspired by him. Shakespeare borrowed the sumptuous barge scene for Anthony and Cleopatra and much of his play Julius Caesar from Plutarch.

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Webinar Price: Free
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Charles Freeman has been nosing his way around the Mediterranean since 1966 when he dug on a Roman villa near Naples and 1968 when he worked at the city of Knidos in southern Turkey. His many books include Egypt, Greece and Rome, Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean (OUP), now in its third edition, The Horses of St. Marks (their history over 2,000 years) and Holy Bones, Holy Dust (Yale UP), a study of medieval relic cults. He is Historical Consultant to the Blue Guides writing the introductions to several volumes and Sites of Antiquity, Fifty Sites That Explain the Classical World, most of the sites ones that he has visited. He is recently wrote ‘The Awakening: A History of the Western Mind, 500- 1700’, which was published by Head of Zeus in April 2020.
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