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Lecture 1 - Rome on the Rise: What happened to the Etruscans?

About This Webinar

The great civilisation of the Etruscans, centred north of Rome, was characterised by a brilliant material culture, a complex and fascinating religion and a powerful empire. This reflects the astonishing range of cultural contacts established by the cities of Etruria (modern day Lazio and much of Tuscany) via their trading links stretching from the Phoenician cities on the Leantine coast to Greek traders and colonists. The Etruscans could easily have remained a dominant power in their part of the Mediterranean world, but they were overcome by Rome. Why did they fail, and what did Rome take from the civilisation which was both so geographically close and yet so culturally distinctive?

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Webinar Price: Free
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Christopher Smith is Professor of Ancient History at the University of St Andrews and was Director of the British School at Rome from 2009 to 2017. He studied at Oxford University and has written extensively on the beginnings of the city of Rome and on Roman historical writing. He has published a book on The Etruscans for Oxford University Press their Very Short Introductions series, and in 2017 was awarded the prestigious Premio “Cultori di Roma” as well as a Leverhulme Research Grant, and will be spending time in Germany, Italy and France, to learn more about the ancient world.
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