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Adopting IBM Cloud Private (ICP) for Modern Business.

About This Webinar

Many organizations are being forced to consider the cloud to improve efficiency and reduce costs. However, technical and security challenges have been barriers to cloud migration. IBM Cloud Private (ICP), which is based on the open source container orchestrator, Kubernetes, offers customers a path forward to adopt cloud at their own pace and in their preferred location.

ICP delivers on the promises of public cloud PaaS, without requiring a specific runtime location. Benefits include everything from automatically provisioned network appliances, to balancing workloads across servers, self-healing elastic runtimes, and off-the-shelf deployable PaaS services such as Watson—all while maintaining a small attack surface, portable to either a private data center or the public cloud, or both.

ICP also provides a vehicle for modernization of existing applications. With tools, such as transformation advisor, customers can analyze their applications for containerization. ICP provides a catalog of containerized middleware, data, and capabilities. It also contains prebuilt management and DevOps capabilities.

The goal of this Webinar is to provide current and potential ICP customers with our real-world implementation experience. The topics covered will include suggested approaches, considerations, and best practices to successfully deploy ICP.

Attendees will garner insight into:

- Including ICP in an overall cloud and security strategy
- Deploying an ICP environment to a private, public, hybrid or multi cloud
- Understanding how ICP can be a stepping stone to a full cloud migration
- Automating the deployment of ICP of diverse applications on a common cloud infrastructure
- Best practices on deploying an ICP workload on a public cloud such as AWS
- Migrating and enriching an existing monolithic application such as WebSphere to ICP
- Best practices around creating microservices and deploying them to ICP

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Webinar ID: f9c54e83e819
Featured Presenters
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CTO - Solution Engineering & NYC Cloud Garage
IBM Distinguished Engineer Technical Leader - IBM Cloud Private for Cloud Garage and Lab Services
Webinar hosting presenter
Partner, Architecture Manager at Cedrus
Hosted By
Cedrus webinar platform hosts Adopting IBM Cloud Private (ICP) for Modern Business.
We are a boutique consulting firm that delivers digital transformation solutions, tools, and services to companies looking to accelerate their move to a cloud-centric world.
Attended (25)