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Bettr Lives Webinar Leadership Series 3: EQ in Social Impact

About This Webinar

In this webinar, speakers will discuss the role of our emotions and EQ in social impact work.

Moderated by Pamela Chng - Co-founder of Bettr Group and Bettr Lives

Working for social impact means have double or triple bottom lines. Indicators of success, and managing the people you work for and with, are charted and fine tuned along the way. Impact is a collective outcome, and the emotions of every individual involved is an influencing factor in the longevity of the desired impact. Our webinar on EQ in social impact reveals how the mission, vision, and impact of a project or company can be understood in human interactions and relationships.

Who can view: Everyone
Webinar Price: Free
Featured Presenters
Webinar hosting presenter
Executive Director, AWARE
Corinna Lim is the Executive Director of the Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE), Singapore’s leading gender equality group.

As Executive Director of AWARE, she oversees AWARE’s Support Services, including the Helpline and Sexual Assault Care Centre, AWARE’s Research and Advocacy and Fundraising. She also advocates on issues such as gender-equal workplaces, gender violence, and greater support for single parents, lower income women and caregivers of the elderly.

Corinna is also the Director of Catalyse Consulting, the consultancy unit of AWARE which provides advice and training to companies and other organisations in Diversity and Inclusion and Workplace Harassment.
Webinar hosting presenter
Founder & CEO, Empact
Peter Yang is the Founder & CEO of Empact, a leading social enterprise he founded in 2011. Over the years, he has grown to be a leader not just within Empact but also in the wider local social enterprise and charitable community with his innovative thinking and passion to positively impact social organisations.
Under Peter’s leadership, Empact has developed a unique value proposition in being able to provide professional and quality services to social organisations at affordable rates, if not pro bono, through collaborating with various partners including corporates and grant makers.
To date, Empact has impacted more than 800 social organisations in Singapore and around the region, contributing over $8 million worth of savings by channelling talent and resources to build their capacity through skills-based volunteering.
Hosted By
Bettr Lives webinar platform hosts Bettr Lives Webinar Leadership Series 3: EQ in Social Impact
Bettr Lives Webinars, Trainings, Series, and Virtual Events
Attended (40)